I’m Rebel. Most people see a huge pit bull. They’re scared because I have a bad rap. Truth is I’m clumsy as all get out! I mean I’ve fallen down the steps y’all and I run and slide into walls and cabinets, chasing after a toy.

I usually live indoors, but I do like being outside! Oh the smells, I can smell! I’ll put my nose so far in the ground that I get dirt up my nose.

I sure do love car rides with my humans. Yes, they’re one of my absolute favorite things in this world. I like sticking my head out the window and letting the wind blow around my ears and jowls. Of course I love all those new smells! I like to lick Dad’s ear while he’s driving.

My child human is my very best friend and sister. She gets down on the floor and plays with me. Sometimes when I don’t have the zoomies, she’ll lay her head on me. She likes walking me. I’m good for her and don’t try to drag her around. I love her hugs and cuddles. She taught me to give her my paw in less than 20 minutes!

When I get my food I sit and wait until mom or dad says I can eat. I’m a good boy and I listen most of the time to what I’m told. Every now and then I put my nose in the trash, my humans don’t like that very much. They also don’t like when I chew on my bed, but I’m getting better at that. Dad gets really happy when I don’t chew on it or lick it and Mom blows a whistle when I do. I don’t like the whistle but it gets my attention.
They only thing I’ve ever killed is a toy! I sure like to chew on those suckers, until there’s a big mess for mom to clean up. Now they buy me toys for power chewers. Sometimes they don’t stand up, because I really go to town on them.

I love treats. Any kind of treats. From apples to milk bones. Eating is one of my favorite past times.

My humans think I’m the most handsome and smartest dog ever. They think I have an amazing smile. I’m happy, healthy and loved because they don’t let the world darken my shine. They let people know real fast they have a big baby that doesn’t like walking on wet grass and I’m a good boy. My gas is the only thing dangerous about me, I can clear a room in no time! Just be cautioned when you’re around me I just may lick you to death.