Life through Rebel’s eyes

I’m Rebel. Most people see a huge pit bull. They’re scared because I have a bad rap. Truth is I’m clumsy as all get out! I mean I’ve fallen down the steps y’all and I run and slide into walls and cabinets, chasing after a toy. 

I usually live indoors, but I do like being outside! Oh the smells, I can smell! I’ll put my nose so far in the ground that I get dirt up my nose. 

I sure do love car rides with my humans. Yes, they’re one of my absolute favorite things in this world. I like sticking my head out the window and letting the wind blow around my ears and jowls. Of course I love all those new smells! I like to lick Dad’s ear while he’s driving. 

My child human is my very best friend and sister. She gets down on the floor and plays with me. Sometimes when I don’t have the zoomies, she’ll lay her head on me. She likes walking me. I’m good for her and don’t try to drag her around. I love her hugs and cuddles. She taught me to give her my paw in less than 20 minutes! 

When I get my food I sit and wait until mom or dad says I can eat. I’m a good boy and I listen most of the time to what I’m told. Every now and then I put my nose in the trash, my humans don’t like that very much. They also don’t like when I chew on my bed, but I’m getting better at that. Dad gets really happy when I don’t chew on it or lick it and Mom blows a whistle when I do. I don’t like the whistle but it gets my attention.

They only thing I’ve ever killed is a toy! I sure like to chew on those suckers,  until there’s a big mess for mom to clean up. Now they buy me toys for power chewers. Sometimes they don’t stand up, because I really go to town on them. 

I love treats. Any kind of treats. From apples to milk bones. Eating is one of my favorite past times.

My humans think I’m the most handsome and smartest dog ever. They think I have an amazing smile. I’m happy, healthy and loved because they don’t let the world darken my shine. They let people know real fast they have a big baby that doesn’t like walking on wet grass and I’m a good boy. My gas is the only thing dangerous about me, I can clear a room in no time! Just be cautioned when you’re around me I just may lick you to death. 

Saving the turtles

We have a lot of turtles on our road. I mean A LOT. I guess you could say I’m the crazy turtle lady. Do normal people do this? I have to stop and get them across the road. Always in the direction they’re going, of course. No, this isn’t completely safe and you probably shouldn’t do it, but turtles.

Every time I’ve seen one and didn’t stop, by the time I’ve been on my way back home, someone has hit it. Then that makes me feel like a terrible person and if I’d just stopped and been late for whatever it’d been okay. At least the innocent turtle would still have been alive. Right?

My husband and I have already saved 2 this past week! Last Saturday while on the way to the Y,  there was one crossing the road. My husband stopped, I ran across the road, grabbed the little guy, put him safely on the other side and ran back to the car. All while my husband was parked in the middle of the road. 

Today after our daughter’s end of the year awards ceremony, there was another one but he wasn’t exactly crossing the road. He was going down the road. So what do we do in that situation?

We brought him home. We have woods behind our house. I put him in the shade and poured a cup of water over him. He seemed a little dry. Hopefully he won’t try to get back in the road.

I bought some turtle crossing signs to put on our mailbox pole. Hopefully people will pay attention to them, but who knows? If not, they’re probably the same ones hitting the poor turtles. 

Aren’t these the cutest signs ever? I ordered the signs from amazon for $12 per sign. We got the screws from Lowe’s.We screwed the signs into our mailbox pole. By we, I meant Benji.

Do y’all think this will work? Anyone have any other ideas that could help save the turtles? I’d love your input!

Get your own save the turtles sign from Amazon.

Saving Professor Moody

Professor Moody is a very large cat, fifteen pounds large. He’s part Siamese and has Tabby markings. He has these beautiful, big, blue eyes and super long claws.

He has a ridiculous meow and loves getting litter everywhere. No matter how amazingly soft you think his stomach looks, I’d advise you to never, under any circumstances touch it to find out. He will growl his growl. If that doesn’t make you stop, I promise you have less than two seconds before he bites or scratches. Hence how he got his name, plus we’re Harry Potter lovers.

He loves boxes and laying on the couch. He’s lazy and doesn’t play often and sleeps most days away getting his fur on everything. If he does play it’s with a hair tie that’s found it’s way to the floor. He likes to knead my blankets and lay in the sun by the back door.

He has a food bowl that has a timer in it that we got off of amazon (PetSafe 5-Meal Pet Feeder). When he hears that thing he will wake up from a dead sleep and go running and sliding down the hall. You can’t open up tuna around him without giving him some or he’ll drive you nuts. 

He loves his daddy the most and tolerates Maggie and I. Okay, he loves us but loves Benji the most. Benji is his person. 

I couldn’t tell you everything I know about this cat if I never walked into the animal shelter that had him. Benji, Maggie and I had been talking about getting a cat. A female kitten to be exact. 

In June of 2016 while Benji was at work Maggie and I went to the shelter. Of course we seen this huge cat with beautiful eyes, almost the same color as Maggie’s. His name was Pedro and seemed really sweet. 

We talked to a lady that worked there and it turns out he’d already been adopted twice and brought back both times. He apparently didn’t like other cats or kids but he let Maggie pet him and even purred. As we walked through the shelter and looked at all the cats and kittens my heart was set on this Pedro. I wasn’t crazy about his name and figured we’d change it. I took some pictures of him and sent them to Benji. Afterwards, Maggie and I went home.

The next day, which was Saturday, we returned to the animal shelter because Benji is allergic to some cats and wanted to see how he’d do. He liked him and thought he was beautiful so we took him to the play room and spent some time with him. Afterwards we went home and talked about it, while Benji took a Zyrtec for allergies from all the other animals. 

Monday Maggie and I went back, to get our kitty! We brought him home in a box and introduced him to his new home. Guys he was so moody! If Maggie walked by him to close he swatted at her feet. If one of us would pet him in a way he didn’t like he would bite.

I’m not going to lie we were a little worried, after all I was warned. We changed his name and gave him some time and space. That’s all it took, he warmed up to us quickly and now knows he’s loved and he no longer attacks feet! We are even given a warning before he bites or scratches.

I’m so glad we adopted him and gave him a chance at life. If we’d taken him back, who knows what would have happened to him? All I know is I wouldn’t have him laying at my feet while I’m laying on the couch or rubbing up against my leg while I’m opening a tuna can. He wouldn’t be our Moody pooty stinky booty. Adopt from your local shelter! You won’t regret it.