Saving the turtles

We have a lot of turtles on our road. I mean A LOT. I guess you could say I’m the crazy turtle lady. Do normal people do this? I have to stop and get them across the road. Always in the direction they’re going, of course. No, this isn’t completely safe and you probably shouldn’t do it, but turtles.

Every time I’ve seen one and didn’t stop, by the time I’ve been on my way back home, someone has hit it. Then that makes me feel like a terrible person and if I’d just stopped and been late for whatever it’d been okay. At least the innocent turtle would still have been alive. Right?

My husband and I have already saved 2 this past week! Last Saturday while on the way to the Y,  there was one crossing the road. My husband stopped, I ran across the road, grabbed the little guy, put him safely on the other side and ran back to the car. All while my husband was parked in the middle of the road. 

Today after our daughter’s end of the year awards ceremony, there was another one but he wasn’t exactly crossing the road. He was going down the road. So what do we do in that situation?

We brought him home. We have woods behind our house. I put him in the shade and poured a cup of water over him. He seemed a little dry. Hopefully he won’t try to get back in the road.

I bought some turtle crossing signs to put on our mailbox pole. Hopefully people will pay attention to them, but who knows? If not, they’re probably the same ones hitting the poor turtles. 

Aren’t these the cutest signs ever? I ordered the signs from amazon for $12 per sign. We got the screws from Lowe’s.We screwed the signs into our mailbox pole. By we, I meant Benji.

Do y’all think this will work? Anyone have any other ideas that could help save the turtles? I’d love your input!

Get your own save the turtles sign from Amazon.

4 thoughts on “Saving the turtles”

  1. So cute make them put a sign up about kids playing ,that should help slow them down .the City .

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